Anxiety is one of the most common emotional feelings that we all share as humans. In most cases, thoughts about lingering ill, bills to pay, and even the eagerness to get a good-paying job are among the various reasons why you may be experiencing anxiety. Research in the past years shows that anxiety is the leading cause of mental disorders in the US, and about 19.1% of adults are victims of this sad experiences every year. However, experiencing anxiety now and then is not a death sentence, but the problem comes when you allow anxiety to build up from one level to another.
Levels of Anxiety Build Up
The accumulation of anxiety in an individual is usually caused by factors such as an individual’s life experiences, personality, gender, and anxiety management strategies employed. Once the right strategy to check or even curb anxiety isn’t adopted, anxiety can build up through the following stages or levels;
- Mild Anxiety
Mild anxiety often referred to as non-significant anxiety, is usually expressed in shyness or social anxiety. In most cases, mind anxiety can affect an individual’s social, professional, and emotional functioning. If left unchecked, mild anxiety can transform into maladaptive coping techniques and, in extreme cases, lead to some serious mental complications.
- Moderate Anxiety
Just as you would rightly guess, individuals with moderate anxiety are exposed to more anxiety symptoms than people with mild anxiety. In some cases, moderate anxiety may be accompanied by symptoms such as inability to relax for days, feeling on edge, or even being unable to handle and control their worries. Although people with moderate anxiety may experience some disruptive symptoms, they can still enjoy a reasonable level of daily functioning. They can easily find success in curbing their anxieties with some effective self-help strategies or with the help of a doctor.
- Severe Anxiety
Just as the name suggests, sever anxiety is usually more devastating with symptoms that require urgent medical attention since they are mostly regarded as a clinically-significant anxiety disorder. Among the various symptoms of severe anxiety, which are usually persistent, are increased level of distress, increased heart rate, social withdrawal, a feeling of panic, and depression with a very low level of functioning and productivity. Sadly, patients with severe anxiety may resort to drugs and alcohol as a supposedly means of managing or checking their anxiety symptoms.
- Panic Disorder or Panic Level Anxiety
This level of anxiety build-up is mostly characterized by recurring and frequent severe panic symptoms attacks such as fear of death, heart palpitations, nausea or dizziness, rapid onset of extreme feelings of fear, rapid breathing, etc. In most cases, panic-level anxiety may last for about 10 minutes, and the triggers for the anxiety symptoms may vary from one person to the other.
Strategies to Check and Manage Anxiety
Various effective strategies can be employed to keep anxiety build-up in the check, and these strategies are anxiety level dependent. For instance, exercise and meditation can be an effective strategy to manage and check mild and moderate anxiety. At the same time, therapy, medication, or the combination of various treatment regimen can be used as an effective way to check severe cases of anxiety.
Besides the management strategies mentioned above, other strategies to keep anxiety in check include the following;
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- By maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- Slow breathing
- Practice the small acts of bravery against your anxiety triggers.
- Seek help from others
- Stay in the present with some moments of meditation.
Bottom Line
Anxiety is an inescapable emotional feeling that is common to all humans. Terrible life experiences such as ill-health, loss of a job, heartbreaks and even betrayal are common causes of anxiety. If left unchecked, anxiety can metamorphose from mild, moderately severe to even panic-level anxiety. Depending on the level, anxiety can be checked through some effective ways such as progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, exercise, slow breathing, and seeking help from others.