Religion is something that you follow in your life. For most people they undertake the religion of their family in which they are born, but Spirituality is not something like that. When you were born you must have seen your family members practicing some religion and religious dogmas. Whether you like it not you have to follow it, but this is not same for spiritualism.
Religion helps you to follow a particular path and spiritualism shows you the inner meaning of everything. Spirituality can be with religion and at the same time they can be totally different. You may find an inner fire in you for spiritualism, but the fire does not kindle for religion. Let’s explore more to understand how they different from each other.
Spirituality vs. Religion
Both Religion and Spirituality help a human being to grow in life. When you practice any one of it you have firm believe that in universe there are many other things beyond what your eyes sees. Both these concept agree to the fact that there are many non-physical elements that exists around us and in the Universe. Until and unless we try to connect to them, we cannot know about them.
So, how are they different?
Religion presents you with a set of belief that you need to follow. It has ‘holy men’ who act as intermediary between you and the Spirit, or you may call God. On the other hand, Spirituality does not have any dogmas; it promotes your own autonomy where you connect to the Spirit with your heart and mind.
The question is whether these two concepts can be same?
They can be together as there are people who find spirituality in Religion. For such people there is no different between the two concepts, it’s all same for them. However, there is another belief where Spiritualism is different from religion. They believe that Spirituality asks you to look and believe and religion asks to believe.
There are different thoughts which can help you understand if these two concepts are same or different.
While religion wants your obedience, Spirituality allows you to experiment. You will hear about sin and hell from your religious preachers while a Spiritual preacher will tell you about your karma and how it will affect your life. By following a religion you will get comfort and at the same time Spirituality will liberate you from different stress that you have. It will give you the internal strength to face things and be happy in life. Religion is an institution where you belong and In Spirituality you keep learning and thus it’s a journey that makes you a different person.
To conclude
To understand the different better, just ask yourself, was Buddha a Buddhist? Or Jesus a Christian? They were not; they were spiritual leaders who have taught the world to live their life in a different meaning. Still today Buddhism and Christianity is a religion and people follow them. It happened with due course when their disciples started spreading their message and gradually people found comfort in those message. When you do not want to explore you will take heed in religion, but when you want to understand your inner self better, the world better you will become a spiritual person.