First, we would like to inform people about noticing the things you wouldn’t usually see enhancing your meditation experience.
The practice of mindfulness has several benefits for physical and mental health. Even a few minutes a day can have a significant impact on your overall health, reducing stress and blood pressure, and improving your concentration and productivity.
Observation in dynamic meditation
This exercise is based on observation and contemplation of what we are capable of observing. First of all, we find a comfortable position to relax, close our eyes for a few minutes, and focus on breathing. Once this is done, open you eyes and briefly looks at what is happening and is around us. Close your eyes again and reflect on what has been seen, what different stimuli we have perceived surrounding us (for example, a dog, a roommate getting ready to go to work, an open window through which a tree). Once the stimuli have been listed, remain silent for a few minutes.
Once this is done, open your eyes again and take a second more detailed pass of what surrounds us. Also, close your eyes and create a new list of the observed elements. Both lists are mentally compared to reflect on the differences between what has been observed first and what has been seen with a second, with more extended observation.
Meditation in motion
While meditation has traditionally been viewed as something to be done statically, it is possible to meditate on the move (although it may be more difficult to concentrate). It is recommended that you contact nature, such as in a field or on the beach. It involves taking walks while the person focuses on the sensations being felt at the moment, such as the sun’s heat, the breeze, the touch of water if it rains or the communication of the plants, and the muscles’ movement themselves or the emotions they arouse.
This exercise is based on the visualization of objectives and their assessment through meditation. The subject can do it sitting, lying down, or even standing, with the closed ones, and with the attention placed on the breath, the definition of an objective or goal to be pursued is proposed. The subject will then go little by little, asking if he considers the objective desirable, then assess whether reaching it would produce well-being if the benefits to be achieved exceed the costs and difficulties and rethink again if the goal is still desirable. If the result is positive, the will and effort to achieve it will be strengthened at the same time that the person feels their objective as valid, while otherwise, the step can be redirected towards the achievement of new goals.