Seeking Guidance: The Best Step Towards Self Development

Of everything that we learnt while growing up, seeking help or guidance is one that was less mentioned, if at all, it was ever mentioned.


This is so because, at your developmental stage, you were possibly taught to be independent, strong, confident in yourself, and always to work hard. All of these, to you, may mean that trying to seek help from others was a bad trait you shouldn’t adopt.


Unfortunately, most people even go as far as conceiving the notion that seeking guidance is a way of making others see them as being unsure of what to do, dependent or even weak. This, to most people, may even create the impression that they aren’t smart or good enough to help themselves.


To avoid such impression, they go the extra mile to make sure that they do whatsoever it takes to get a job done all alone so that they can boost at the end that their feat was earned unassisted.


Well, the bitter truth is that, in life, asking for support and being open to guidance is the best way to become better, and a cheat sheet to making major strides in your career or life’s endeavours.


So, here is a quick one – some proven reasons why seeking guidance is the best and perfect step to self-development



  1. It gives you a clearer view of issues you may be struggling with

Similar to thinking outside the box, seeking guidance is a good way to uncover other aspects of the struggles you may be going through.


Doing so, especially from someone with a different perspective, different from your professional and personal life may give you an unbiased and a clearer insight into possible solutions to your challenges.


However, this doesn’t mean that seeking guidance from family and friends is a bad idea or less helpful, in most cases, a neutral view is usually needed to help you go through a tangled web of challenges with little or zero sentiments.


  1. Seeking guidance teaches new ways of handling difficulties.

Different people have different methods of coping and dealing with issues around them. However, others have a hard time handling issues all alone, and they may even be deeply overwhelmed by the wrong way of handling challenges.


So, seeking guidance or interacting with others who possibly have found a positive way of coping with challenges and difficult situations, you can easily learn how to adopt such methods in navigating difficult times alone.


Frankly speaking, learning and adopting other’s method and perspective of dealing positively with various life’s challenges is priceless due to the fact that as unique as our lives are we definitely have a lot to learn from each other about handling the issues of life.



  1. Seeking Guidance and Sharing Challenges can be Healing.

Going through a difficult challenge may lead you into thinking that you are all alone, and possibly isolated in your problems, and you may even feel ashamed of seeking help because you feel that no one will understand.


But the truth is that there are millions of people out there who are possibly going through even worst situation than you do, although you may be thinking that they live a perfect life or they live a trouble-free life.


So, when you realize that everyone is curled up in the web of one challenge or the other and that we are all living and walking in one bumpy and difficult path, you can easily reach out to someone for guidance, and to your amazement, such people must have gone through the dark path you are going through, and they managed to survive.


  1. Seeking guidance can lead you out of Vicious thought cycle.

Most often than not, you may have thoughts about your challenges growing into a vicious circle of ill-feeling and negativity, and when you try to pull yourself out of, probably with some distraction tactics, you notice that those thoughts only leave for a moment, and the next moment they are back.


Although it may feel a bit difficult to do, sharing your challenges or speaking to someone about your problems seems to be the best way to drag yourself out of your vicious thought cycle. Doing this provides a solid solution to your concerns, especially when you listen to others perspective about your challenges.


Bottom Line

No man is an island, is a common maxim that points to the fact that; for one to succeed, seeking help and guidance from others is a must and the surest way toward self-development.


Seeking guidance from others give a clearer view of challenges one’s life, and it can be the fastest way to heal from pains and escape the vicious web of negativity from the challenges around one’s life.


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