For a long time, emotions were considered an impediment to one’s growth or development. Successful people were supposed to appear emotionless. They must neither show their emotions nor react to others’ emotions. But times have changed and it has been accepted that emotions are a part of our nature and we must accept it and see how we can use ...
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How To Stop Ignoring And Start Turning Towards Your Problems
Do you dread problems? A significant part of everyday life is spent in trying to ignore issues, or not dealing with them. Procrastination is one of the ways people try to turn away from problems, and they end up pushing even key issues away. They do not pay bills on time, put off work until it becomes unmanageable and avoid ...
Read More »The Compassion Challenge: Being Mindful In The Time Of Trump
People these days come across several individuals who make them feel low or negative in their lives. Apart from that, there are some situations where a person can face difficulties in making the right decision. In fact, he/she may find it extremely difficult to handle issues caused by current political situations and other factors. This will lead to various problems ...
Read More »What Is A Retreat And Why go?
A lot of people today face stress and other problems due to the busy lifestyle. As a result, they want to relax their mind their various issues which affect their lives. Nowadays, the retreats are becoming a popular one in different parts of the world. This is because they allow people to discover something new by withdrawing themselves from the ...
Read More »The Heart’s Stillness Is Your Calm Refuge
The world is ever changing! A moment cannot last forever. Today, you had chocolates, they were wonderful and now they are gone. The mind keeps wandering between the past and the future. This motion is constant, and you cannot deny it. Just like things, people in our lives are bound to change. Relationships come and vanish. A friend so close ...
Read More »Mediation Can Bring About Solid Confidence In Yourself
Confidence is a secure and positive feeling about what your capabilities are. You remain assured about what you can do, and what you are capable of doing. You never tend to flaunt your abilities, and never feel superior to others. Rather, confidence provides you with an inner knowledge about yourself. Who is a Confident Person? A confident person is not ...
Read More »Mindfulness Meditation: A Way To Remain Focused
We all worry for ourselves when we want to reach a certain level of proficiency in our education or career. It does not matter we may reach the goals or not, but we lose the essence of our goals while striving to reach the goals. If we lose the essence, sense and understanding of what for we started, there is ...
Read More »Gift Ideas That Encourages Mindfulness And Well Being
As holiday season arrives, your first thought is what to gift your dear ones? There are many things and you can choose them and gift them, but if you get some gift ideas that will promote relaxation, encourage mindfulness and have a positive impact then what else will you want? Don’t get worried that from where are you going to ...
Read More »Does Addiction To Other People’s Opinion Affects You And How To Deal With It?
It is universal human desire that you want yourself to get accepted among your peers. It’s not uncommon that you are worried about what other will think about any particular activity! Sometimes you may have felt rejected and have defended yourself for being criticized by others. All these are common human nature and it is natural that you are not ...
Read More »Meditation Strengthens Your Relationship
Sometimes, your routine can get busier and you get occupied with lots of work. You end up doing copious amount of work at the cost of your partner. You do not want to ignore your partner, but you have to. You cannot work to mend the damage done by your absence, but you have to work for attaining your work ...
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