How To Use Yoda’s Words Of Wisdom

Yoda is one of the most inspiring spiritual characters.Yoda’s words of wisdom and mindfulness meditation have more in common than we may think.

Yoda’s meditation wisdom words are simply techniques that will help anyone greatly in reaching our inner-self in real life. When you will close your eyes in the meditation and repeat the wisdom words of the Yoda, you will feel at peace instantly.

Since Jedi became an official religion, many people have been practicing the Yoda’s wisdom words and meditation to bring serenity and peacefulness in their life. Yoda’s words of wisdom are the biggest lessons of mindfulness meditation from the worlds of the Star Wars.

Here is how you can use the Yoda’s words of Wisdom in your meditation sessions:

  • Feeling the Force Around You

Yoda says: “You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”

You should try feeling the positive energy around you, in your surroundings and at your house. You will definitely find ways to utilize the power of attentiveness in your daily life.

  • Reach the Force Through Meditation

Yoda says, “My ally is the force”.

In the Star Wars, force is defined and called “Qi”. Qi is an important element in different religions and spiritualties. Qi means the force and life energy in the Chinese philosophy. Chinese medicine is also based on the “Qi”. You must feel the Qi (force) by meditating the Chi Exercise of Mind Control. Thus, you will learn to befriend the Yoda’s force with you.

  • Unlearning the Learned Things

Yoda says that, “You must unlearn what you have learned.”

It means that there are so many habits that we have adopted by learning. All the traits and habits are learned, and all of these traits and habits can be unlearned. Those traits and habits should be unlearned through meditation, which are not good for our mental and physical health.

We human beings are most often limited by the things that we know of. We tend to think that we only know these things, however the same things can be unlearned and new things can be learned to drive us towards better lifestyle.

So as like Yoda, we must stop knowing the things to stop depending upon them so that we may learn new things.

  • Connecting with our Lit-Up Inner Self

Yoda says that,“we are not crude measure, rather we are luminous beings.”

By this, he means that we are made of light, our inner-self shines and we are capable of lightening up the world through our positivity and pure intentions.

Yoda tells that, “We are infinity of light and energy that is channelled through our consciousness.”

Through effective mindfulness meditation, you can spread the light into the world that lives inside you.

Final Words

In order to realize the energy that lives inside you, you need to understand yourself better through consistent efforts of meditation. Then, you will be able to connect with your inner soul and light.


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