Seeing White Light During Meditation – What Is The Logic?

While practicing meditation, it is not uncommon for people to experience seeing a white light. This could be an energizing white light, an intense bright white light or swirling white lights before closed eyes. Many people who meditate and having these kinds of experiences are either disconcerted or fascinated by them. This is a normal occurrence, and there is nothing to be excited or worried about.

What Does Science Say About It?

In 2014, an article was posted in the magazine Frontiers of Psychology. This disclosed the outcome of a pilot study researching the phenomenon of white light among people who meditate every day. A researcher suggested that this experience resembles one that happens at the time of sensory deprivation. In the conclusion, it was stated that sensing lights might be indicative of a period of improved neuroplasticity as well as potential for lasting and important isolation.

The phenomenon was also explained by the fact that the experience could be linked to the arousal of the pineal gland by meditation. This is gland is located deep within the brain at the ‘third-eye’ level. Some people indicate that the visions of white light are proof of the fact that the third-eye is ‘opening’ and spiritual progress is being made.

Is there something to be excited about?

The answer depends on how motivated you are about meditation practices. Many people share their experiences on the internet that they had seen the lights and opened up their third eye, only to regret the phenomenon ever since. However, most people talk about their experiences with combination of gratitude and curiosity. A few practices related to meditation, both New Age and traditional, actually concentrate on arousing the experience of seeing the lights. For instance, in a few visualization practices in Buddhism, light is imagined by the meditator as an expression of the wisdom and affectionate kindness that touches every living being, alleviates their suffering and provides them with permanent joy. This intentional method of visualization is not associated to the experiences of seeing light that might originate from a deficiency of input from the senses, as happens in deep meditative stages.

Tokpa Korlo, a sobriety activist and meditator has explained this phenomenon by saying that the aim of practicing mindfulness every day is to develop compassion and love for others. When meditators are rooted in the here and now, they can appreciate the beauty of the present. Thus, they can develop a predominant sense of well-being and peace that they wish to share naturally with others. The capacity of mindful appreciation of the potential of the present is the foundation for more dynamic inquiry into the mind, and how to make best use of the insights acquired through meditation to benefit the world and other people.

Should You Embrace White Light during Meditation?

If you have experienced this type of light during sessions of awareness or mindfulness meditation, simply embrace the same as a part of your natural practice. Consider it as a mental occurrence and return to your practice.


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